“Telegram CEO Pavel Durov must stay in France!”

A formal investigation has been launched in France against Pavel Durov, the founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the popular messaging app Telegram. French prosecutors say he is being investigated for enabling organized criminal activities through the use of the Telegram app.

Pavel, 39, has been arrested and is currently in France. He has not been remanded but is under judicial supervision. He must deposit 5 million euros.

Pavel is of Russian descent but holds French citizenship. Now he must report to the French police station twice a week. Therefore, he will not be allowed to leave French territory.

Pavel landed at Le Bourget airport north of Paris on a private jet last Saturday evening. He was then arrested.

In a statement yesterday, Wednesday, Paris prosecutors said, 

“A formal investigation has been launched against Pavel on three issues. These are: the opportunity for organized groups to conduct illegal transactions due to administrative weaknesses of the online platform (Telegram); Telegram authorities’ refusal to communicate with relevant authorities; administrative complications (failure) of Telegram authorities in preventing the distribution of sexual images involving children.”


Pavel Durov, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Telegram. In Barcelona, 23 February 2016. Photo: Reuters

Meanwhile, Pavel Durov has not commented on his arrest and subsequent legal action. However, his lawyer David-Olivier Kaminski said, 

“Telegram respects European digital regulations. This app follows every rule of the set standards like other social networks.”

Pavel Durov founded Telegram in 2013. The app is quite popular in Russia, Ukraine, and former Soviet Union countries. Due to troubles with the Russian government, Pavel left Russia for Dubai in 2014. Telegram is operated from there.

The Russian government banned Telegram in 2018. It was withdrawn in 2021. Governments of various countries criticize Telegram. They say this platform is safely used by militants, terrorists, and criminals to conduct their activities. This is because the app puts the utmost emphasis on protecting user privacy.

According to influential magazine Forbes, Pavel’s wealth amounts to about 15.5 billion US dollars. Pavel has always said,

“Telegram is a neutral social communication platform.”

 He left the country to avoid Russian orders and prohibitions.”